• To never follow the crowd, her uniqueness is what makes her special
• That she is beautiful just the way she was created & designed to be
• To be neat and orderly
• To care for her own room & help her mother with household chores
• That the best companion is a good book
• To care for her person, keeping the best hygiene & a ladylike appearance
• To exercise a quiet reserve in the presence of boys and men
• That all cheap/sly talk is unbecoming
• That no one has the right to exploit her or her body
• That modesty is a priceless treasure and will prove to be a great
protector for her
• That her brothers are better escorts than most other young men
• That her mother is her best companion and counselor
• That her thoughts or conversation should be good and worthy of her time
• That she should be helpful & kind
• To choose her friends very wisely/friends she can look up to or grow with
• That there will be time enough to learn the wonders of the world after she has learned that which would keep her safe in it.
• That the old rule, “A place for everything and everything in its
place” is a good one
• That she should eat /cook good food & drink plenty of water for her health & beauty.